提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释 kit is the co- of a team that is in the of the mummy .
a. , of ‘s , at the la dig site in
” The are , ” added garry , a at .
“研究成果意义重大”,罗伯特盖瑞补充说tulane university杜兰大学,罗伯特盖瑞是一名大学微生物学家。
I was with them the they found a box of human arms at the left by the .
那天下午,我和他俩在一起,他俩找到了一箱人的胳膊tulane university杜兰大学,Tulane是什么意思,Tulane怎么读,Tulane翻译为:[人名] 图兰 – 听力课堂在线翻译,大概是杜兰医学院的某个人带去校园焚化炉时遗落下来的。
Eager to mine a newly china , the state of new york , in new and of other are to pay a for each — an that ‘s when u. s. .